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'It is not that once started, the group members exclude that world around them.

On the contrary, they begin their dialogue with it.

For once, the world around them stops them moving around.

I want it to stand still, as it were, pin it down,

so that a proper dialogue can be held.'

- (Van der Kleij, 1983)


What is Group Therapy?


This setting allows us to experience how we aren't isolated in our distress, offering a  safe space to connect with others and our inner world together. It is a beautiful yet challenging way to explore how our we develop and unfold in our relationships with others. It facilitates a space to create authentic communication and a vacuum to explore the entirety of the human experience - free of the noise.


A therapy group can feel like 'an oasis in a desert of alienation' (Behr, 2005), not necessarily because we are lonely, but rather, we have not been able to express our deeply layered selves honestly in our relationships with others. It also allows us to get feedback about how we move others and notice how we feel around people - claiming 'our stuff' and separating theirs.


In collectivist cultures like India, it often mirrors our everyday encounters more realistically than individual therapy. Group therapy also recognises how the problem is not always located within the individual, but also in the systems that surround them. It fosters an environment for nourishing empathy and makes us comfortable with conflict, within oneself and outside. 

It is also more cost effective.



Who is this best suited for? What can it help with?


This process is best suited for individuals who are curious about themselves and want to work on their intrapsychic and interpersonal difficulties. It may also challenge the self-absorption that sometimes accompanies the long-term individual therapy setting and creates a space to explore ourselves in relation to others. 


Group therapy is just another form of therapeutic intervention, along with a theoretical orientation that locates the problem, not just within the individual, but within the relationship between the person and the systems that surround them.


You can watch a Youtube show based on a group that has been together a long time here.


How do I sign up to be a part of a group with you?


Presently, participation is open for a group that will run weekly at 7-8.30pm on Fridays. If you are interested, please fill the form below and I will get back to you






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